Royal kadin The Perfect Science

Royal kadin The Perfect  Science

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acred Water Perfect Science AD Ayterion - Turkey press conference
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 8:58 AM

Readers, I do not make claims to know whether this information is true or not, but several e-mails have pointed to the fact that a solution to our ecological disaster planetwide may be at hand. I send you two e-mails. The first, the Turkish press conference, came Friday morning, July 16. The second, about Sacred Water, came Saturday, July 10. I offer these for you to ponder.

Peace, Tim Miejan .:.


The Turkish government is planning a major symposium on August 7 in Istanbul, Turkey where they plan to demonstrate a new technology which can actually clean up the environment.

This is an entirely new science. I am urging all lightworkers who can possibly attend to do so. An invitation follows this message.

Perhaps even more important, since the Turkish government is inviting the Americans to attend, I am asking that everyone reading this message do two things.

1. Invite the county and city councils where you live to send a representative. We MUST get our elected officials to witness this.

2. Forward this message. Once those two are done, invite your local news media to cover the story by attending.

It's time we showed the desire to clean up our planet and it is time that we showed the people who have brought this new technology into reality that they are not alone in caring.

The status quo would rather see stagnation than change, out of fear of losing control. That is why it is urgent that as many elected officials as possible attend and witness for themselves what is possible.

For additional information anyone may call Andrew Nixon or Dan O Connell.

Phone:1-815-723-2909 FAX (815) 838-2001

Lex: (815) 726-4000.

In Istanbul, information may be obtained at the Laundra Hotel. For flights, contact the Turkish Airlines. Tell them Terry Welch sent you .

SACRED WATER/ Ayterion I'd heard of the "sacred water" Perfect Science AD before but below is the most thoroughly documented account I've yet seen. Not yet sure how or where it fits on our evolutionary path, but I KNOW it does. Aloha & Blessings,

Ed Jor-El Elkin X - From_: @ (Probably sourced originally by Drunvalo Melchizedek)

A Talk presented at Wesak
Doctor Joshua David Stone PHD
Doctor Judith Stone PHD
May 1st, 1999.

Perfect Science gave a lecture in 2000
Perfect Science and Full-Circle opened a clinic in MT Shasta in 2000


An Americans funded by a Saudi Arabian company the founder Mr JamJoom and supported
informtion Pan_Thor think tank Cornwall. Ct Mr Andrew Nixon and Mr Randall Miler Oak Hust , NJ. went to Turkey who had been doing powerful work in the field of enviroemtal awareness and clean up . TO presented to the world a Eco-system aproach to balance many formula 's that appears to be alive and have God-consciousness. This water has different effects on different things. It seems to have an optimal effect on whatever it touches.

They used it in one of the most polluted bays in the world ... dark with black bubbles. It became totally clear within a few days. Unfortunately the channels coming into the bay continue to pollute it.

"..... They kept trying and trying. And I kept saying "No, no, I can't do this, I don't have time".

Finally, about three months ago, I still didn't have time, but I sent some of the people( Slim Spurling , Eric Ekvall, Peter Jackson SAIC I have been working with went to Florida to Cocoa Beach where Ms Terry Welch lives she is the formula founder and Health and Wellness creator . see if what they were saying was really true. These were people who were trained and could identify if this was something real or just an illusion.

They couldn't... they got on the phone with me and they couldn't even talk. They were like children, they were so excited. They were just going, "I can't believe this, it's really real". IT TRUE ! And more then we thought !

It actually was true!"


The Demonstration Meeting

"And so I just came back from a meeting in Washington D.C., in a secret little room with the military, the Air Force, the army, the CIA,Mr Eric Ekvall the FBI... (laughter) all those guys, about 15 high high level physicists and chemists from major corporations. This was being held in a Fortune 500 corporation.

I had to sign all of these documents that I would be careful about what I say. But they are letting me say what I can say, and what I can say is good enough.

They first brought two big containers of polluted water. One of them smelled like sewage. It was brown, it was yucky, and it was about as bad as you can get. And they put that there. The second one was another kind of yellowish colored brown polluted water that smelled like gasoline and oil and obviously had chemicals inside of it. And it was hard to even get your nose into that either.

They put them up high, and Perfect Science AD said, "Now this is like a lake." And he took about a teaspoonful, which he said was way more than was needed but they did that so that it would go faster, he put a little teaspoonful of (the) "water" in there and stepped back so that there would be no influence. And, very slowly, over two hours, we watched both of these waters, the pollution slowly head towards the bottom. What was above was the cleanest, clearest water you could imagine, until they were all the way down at the bottom. And there was nothing, even the sediment and everything was down to absolutely clear water. This is really real!

He then took a little goldfish and he put it inside there so that it could swim around to show that if there were to be any chemicals or anything in there it would die. And after three hours, this little fish was still swimming.

What is interesting... they called me up. The head of this whole project, called me up the next day and said, "You won't believe it. They took the fish out of the water and put it back into the Aquarium downstairs and when they came in the next morning, the whole aquarium was clean" (laughter). It totally went clean and clear.

They took pure motor oil right out of the can, popped the lid, poured it with another whole bunch of oil like this, put in about 3 or 4 drops of (the) "water" and shook it up. Instantaneously, within 3 seconds, the motor oil no longer existed on the earth. Instead, it was proteins and amino acids... that are fish food. Instantaneously!

This is an interesting analogy because oil is the end product of millions of years of life. It is the end, it is black, it is the end. And when it comes in contact with this water, it immediately turns white and becomes proteins and amino acids; the beginning of life.


Ayterion :

"What is this formula's?

All it is,It a system of many differant formula's Perfect Science has created and tested in Turkey all over Turkey with the help of many goverment people granting toxic site to clean and Terry and Doyuk with the help of Pan_Thor did that transformed .

It is called super-ionized water. You're going to hear about it. There is no doubt!

Super-ionized water is... Again, all the scientists and the physicists and the chemists of the world have been studying this for the past few years and have been keeping it secret. Not one of them, with all their credentials and everything, even though they can see it happen, can explain to you how it is happening. They don't know! They can't figure it out.

On top of this, by studying the reaction, and there is some things I can't tell you, it appears as though this water is conscious, it is alive and it knows what it's doing! It knows exactly what it's doing, because it... it will go into one reaction, one chemical reaction and do one thing, and turn to another reaction with a similar kind of compound, and do something else that could only have been done by consciousness.

But if you put the wires in Perfect Science's transformtion system , the light bulb comes on. No one has ever seen that before. That is impossible by everything that we know. Do not do this this formula is made special for those Demo .

And there is a flow of electrical energy through the water, from treated by the Perfect Science AD system . Transformig in front of your eyes . that they are describing as liquid electrons free energy .

This came from hard work and long hours into the night all over the world Pan_Thor and Perfect Science AD If you could only know what I know, if you could only see what I have seen..."


Cleaning up of Izmit Bay:

"They went into Izmit Bay in Istanbul in Turkey. (Ed: In the talk, he mentions Izmir Bay, which is far from Istanbul and is still polluted. They have the solution.

It is the most polluted body of water on the planet. It looks like pure oil. It is black. It is not water anymore. It is just black oil. And they took these two huge tanks, like swimming pools and they filled up with this black water. One was the control and one was the experiment. And they took just a couple of gallons of this formula , in these hundreds and hundreds of thousands of gallons of this garbage toxic soup . It was so bad that it was forming black bubbles on the surface. In less than a few hours, the pool went crystal clear. It was clean. which was done at Habitat 11 in fish tanks .

In 1996 at Habitat 11 Istanbul Perfect Science AD demo to the world there Eco-System
approach to the world . Perfect Science Eco- System Balance Inc . Mr Nixon gave a speech which you can read on the internet and their web site
Written by The Pan_Thor Think Tank and Perfect Science AD Terry Welch, Nancy Welch and Randall Miller .

But they can't keep it that way because it's got canals as big as this room (Ed: the talk was giving in a school gymnasium) with garbage being pumped into the bay constantly which they are going to have to deal with if they want to keep it that way.

The other interesting thing about this is no matter what the polluted water is, no matter what is in it, it turns it to this crystal clean pure water and even balances the pH perfectly to 7, no matter what it is, no matter what you started with. He has done it some many times now he doesn't even have to look. He sticks the paper and says, "Look, it is 7" without even thinking because it automatically does it.

The consciousness formula's knows exactly what to do in that system and how to convert it back into it".


Also Works on Land and Soil:

"It is not only in water, does the "water" work, but the "water" works on the earth also, and in the soil. They showed in the videos and in the actual [room (???)]. They are talking about where you can take garbage, huge garbage dumps that are constantly burning methane, they can't stop the burning cause it keeps burning... they can spray this water on the garbage dumps and instantaneously, everything is transformed.

All of the hydrocarbons in there switch, turn over into fertilizer and are organic in nature, they have no chemicals whatsoever even though they came from chemicals.

All of the smell of the garbage dump is gone, instantaneously at the snap of a finger. It smells like roses. It smells clean again. The fires are immediately put out and can't start again.

They showed on there that in these places were all of these toxic stuffs were put and everything, that within days, plants and vegetables start growing out of these toxic dumps.

This is really real. It's no kidding, it's really real. It's hard to imagine that something can emerge under the earth like this, but it actually happens."
This is the most important break though in science . In croatia there is a group
working on the research now and we be hearing from them in the future . The Health Formula' s is how we Slim and I became involved . Slim Spurling was exposed to to much silver and Terry Welch gave him clear ( Tm ) to clean his blood . It did!
Slim Spurling will not tell you that now .

But it happened ! The Breaker Energinutient ( tm ) tel-phone

Slim also went to there clinic and wellness center in Joliet ,Illinois Alderson clinic where he and Han Breker were also treated . Mr Peter Jackson along with his girlfriend Cathy Barns . They all lied and tried to keep the formula to themself . But it did not work.


Also Many Other Side Effects:

"There are many many side effects that are super positive and most of these they won't let me talk to you about because the financial status quo will be rocked to the core. There are things that it does that water can't do, but it does, right before their eyes, time and time again. It has an impact on us, and will have an impact on us, that we can't quite imagine right now.

Just to give you one of the side effects that they are going to let out... I'm only going to talk about one of them.... It is about fires, forest fires, or oil fires, or any kind of fires, especially gasoline and oil which are almost impossible to put out. When the water comes into contact with these fires, it instantaneously puts them out, just like that. And you can't relight them. You can throw matches back on to them, on the "gasoline, immediately, and it won't relight because it changes the gasoline into something else that can't burn. And so, for forest fires, if they spray it on burning forest fires, it instantly will put the fire out. And on living trees, which is super good for the tree, that tree will not be able to burn for hours afterwards.

So, it puts the fire out immediately, instantly. This is one of the side effects of this new water, that we... I really wish I could tell you what is going to come after this" (laughter).


Governments Are Doing Tests:

"So we're now, all of the... right now, Russia and 8 other major countries of the world are now doing major research on this all over. They're, all over the world, secretly putting this in polluted lakes and rivers, that are just...pfttt... going clean right before our eyes. It is just amazing. You can take a bay, like San francisco bay, and in 4 days you will able to see 60 feet into the water, as though you were looking through water like this (Ed: He held up a glass of drinking water). And in two months, it will go all the way down even into the deep yucky sediment below and turn it into proteins and amino acids and be crystal clear and clean.

In two months! And this is where we are at. This is REALLY real. It's incredible!"


The Formla's system Will Be Allowed to Be Released:

"What is even greater, is that the world's governments are going to allow this to happen!

Right before I was speaking, I was talking to the United States Air Force, that could stop something like this very quickly for different reasons. They want it to happen! They want this to come out! And so too the various countries that we are talking to around the world. The United Nations is involved with this also. Nobody can believe it. They don't know what to say about it. It's a miracle, a planetary miracle happening right before us, right now!"

Question: "When?"

Drunvalo: "It's happening. Right now, Turkey was so excited about this as a country, that they built a 48 million-dollar installation to create this water. And they can now ship 100,000 tons of it a day anywhere in the world and they are preparing to do this.

The countries now all over that we are talking to, that want to be involved, they are looking at it, they are cautiously wanting it, but they don't know how to proceed because nobody can explain it (laughter). No chemist in the world can explain how this is doing this. You can't take oil and water and mix them together.

Oil and water don't mix. But super-ionized water does. It mixes instantaneously.

So, something new has emerged on the earth. And this is really important I feel, because as you all know, I am deeply connected with the [Talsi (???)] Indians and the Hopi Indians and the Hopi prophecy. And the Hopi prophecy says that right before we move into the next level, to the fifth world from their point of view, the fourth dimension from our point of view, they talk about how the whole world comes clean and clear the way it was thousands and thousands of years ago. The oceans, the rivers, the skies, everything. And we will have this clean world. And it is the seeing of this world going clean in a very rapid period of time, that inspires the world to let go of their pain and all that they have..."


The Word MUST Go Out to EVERYONE:

"And so, after having said that, there are certain corporations in this world that are aware of this that don't want to see this happen. Mostly oil companies, and I can't tell you why, (laughter) but we can't let this go from our memory. Do all of the research you can. The name of the company that is formed 1998 Delaware and 1998 Perfect Science AD 1998 This is called Perfect Science out of Istanbul Turkey. Head quarters Joliet , Illinois , office in Cocoa beach, Florida , Boulder , Col.


Question: "Are they on the Internet?"

Drunvalo: tel-phone 1-877-890-7709 (Ed: At least wasn't at the time of this talk)

Perfect Sceince Team are working with the governments of the world, Perfect Science
AD attempting to bring this out to the world. It WILL come out, because what you are really looking at is a very very high level of consciousness emerging from this formula's . Formula transforms toxic poison and the poison becomes
bio-nutrient fish food amino acids . They been working on this in the field since 1970's . Mr Nixon spoke to me many times and explain the process system and how it works with pollution ( toxic material . He arrange with Slim Spurling who had cancer and went the health and wellness formula who is the clean up formula also. She also
with her family brought the formula to Turkey . She work with Mr Nixon , Mr Randall Miller Oak Hust , NJ Pan-Thor Think Tank who I meet in Washington DC for many years in Turkey in Iski which is part of the goverment in Istanbul . They work with Mustfa and the worker even when Iski went on strike in 1992 the summer.

Perfect Science AD themselves, when they talk about it, they won't talk about it as "the water." no they state the formula Perfect Science team talks about it "he moves through the chemical reactions," "formula does this," and formula does that." Terry Welch Perfect Science Ayterion is referring to the nature of the consciousness in the formula's system .

This is the beginning of what I knew would take place. I am very honored to be able to bring this to you. I really, really am."


The Baptism of the Planet: Perfect Science Eco-System Balance tel-phone 1-877-890-7709

"Do you know that in baptism, in the Christian way of seeing baptism, you can only be baptized once, and it removes all sins. This is not true !

After that, you have to deal with each sin on your own (laughter).

That is the fun part. We are about to see the same thing.

Over the next twelve months, fourteen months or so, we are going to see the world go clean... and it is going to be like baptism of the whole world.

And then, from then on, our responsibility will be every time we do something, we will have to remember who we are, and where we came from, and what this is really all about, which is work hard work . the work was done by Pan_ Thor think Tank and Perfect Science AD tel-phone 1-877-890-7709 fax 1-815-838-2001 law office 1-815-723-2909

It is not about hate and anger and fear. And so..."

Question: "Can you use it in the cars?"

Drunvalo: "Can you use it in your cars? yes . (laughter) Probably most of the things you will ask me I will probably have to give the same answer.

They have really restricted me because this thing is like a miracle. The real reason is SAIC who arranged the demo Peter Jackson has tried to arrnage his own company so he and Drunvlo can profit it the planet expense .

It does so ...

Everything it comes in contact with, everything, it turns it around, and turns it into a positive situation, and creates something that is positive for the world. It is a consciousness alive in water."

Question: "Can you buy it?"

Drunvalo: "Can you buy it? Yes ,

Right now this is a governmental level thing that is going on. It really is up to the world's governments whether or not they will let this out or not. We are working with Australia, we are going to do Australia and clean up Sydney Harbor and all of this stuff. We are now renegotiating with that government how to do that. We are going to renegotiate all of our contracts in the world that we... Instead of using waveforms, we are going to directly in... To clean the bay, all we do is just spray the bay with this water and wait two months. Then it is all over (clean). Same thing with rivers and lakes and everything else. I wish I could tell you the rest (Laughter), but I can't.

So, if there is any... I'll take about two or three more questions if you can yell them out".

Question: "What does it do to human bodies?"

Drunvalo: "I can't tell you about that one (laughter). But that might be the most interesting one of all." It is in research in Saraosta right now for Aid , Cancer , Lupus , MS , ADA , drugs detoxify , blood cleaner , by Doctor Ame DC, arrange by Full-Circle Int tel-1-941-320-0002

Question: "Does it apply to nuclear waste?" Perfect Science formula was applied to
muclear waste in 1993 and 1998 . In 1998 Terry Welch , Mr Nixon , Mr O 'Connell telphone 1-877-890-7709 a test site though the EPA Enviromental Justice . The site was outside of Chicago at a Departmnet of Energy clean up site . Beta test

Drunvalo: "Yes it does."

"It appears to deal with almost everything natural There are certain problems that they have not tested or are not sure of. The Turkish government is being very conservative in saying,

"This should heal at least 70-80% of all the pollution problems in the world." They are being conservative on this.

And so, what this is going to do is buy us time. Because, I can tell you this right now, the world banks, and the people who are in charge know, that if this water had not come along, if something like this had not come along, we only have less than 3 years left on this planet. All life would be gone. (Ed: I believe it is related to the oxygen levels of the planet going down to a point where life cannot be sustained) And they know this, and they are preparing for it. And now everything is changing. We do not know how much time we've bought, but we've bought a lot.

And what it is really, God is present. God has always been here, He has never left us, He has always been with us, and we are the ones which have forgotten God. And God is now about to make Himself or Herself very obvious."

(End of talk)


Request to the Reader:

After reading this, you can probably appreciate what a gift humanity is being given. As you can imagine, some people and companies have much to lose. BUT If this message gets out to ENOUGH PEOPLE, then perhaps governments (and those corporations and organizations) will not try to suppress and delay this wonderful gift.

PLEASE pass the message on to as many friends and interested parties as possible. One person cannot easily change the world but a whole bunch of us can! Do your part in helping to clean up the planet.

Mr Nixon gave this talk on May 1st '99 at the Wesak '99 celebration help at Mount Shasta. Dr. Joshua David Stone organizes this annual conference www.drjoshu

The next day, many people gave a second lecture on Perfect Science Both lectures were such a message of hope for humanity that I felt the need to spread the word to all.

A transcription of both talks is available at the Transformacomm Web site: ( ) in both HTML and TXT (ASCII) formats. It also contains links to related web sites as well as the latest news about the water that I am aware of. For those at work, take note that some pages have music on them.

The actual tapes from these lectures are available through the company that recorded the entire conference, Rainstar Designs, email:

1 comment:

Tarun Kumar said...

I have a blog containing good information on global warming. Ozone has doubled since the mid-19th century due to chemical emissions from vehicles, industrial processes and the burning of forests, the British climate researchers wrote. Carbon dioxide has also risen over that period. History of global warming is very deep since 1850.